Legal Aid

Volunteer UP Legal Clinic Logo

Volunteer UP Legal Clinic
Volunteer UP Legal Clinic connects clients facing legal barriers to their success with South Jersey attorneys who volunteer to provide pro bono legal services and otherwise aid clients in navigating government benefits and other services available in Camden and surrounding communities.

Patricia A. Legge, Esq. | (856) 217-8686

African America Female Attorney working pro-bono

South Jersey Legal Services, Inc. (SJLS)
South Jersey Legal Services, Inc. (SJLS) is a non-profit organization created to provide quality legal representation and advocacy to low-income individuals in Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Monmouth, Ocean and Salem Counties.

South Jersey Legal Services

young man calling a legal hotline

Legal Services of New Jersey
The LSNJLAWSM Hotline provides free legal advice, information, and referral over the telephone to low-income New Jersey residents in civil legal matters. Free legal resources on LSNJLAWSM helps people with civil legal problems.

Visit LSNJLAWSM Hotline website for more information.

a family of three reading a book to their daughter

Camden Center for Law & Social Justice
CCLSJ was founded as an act of collaboration between the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, the Diocese of Camden and lay ministers. We seek to promote justice for the poor and marginalized in the City of Camden and throughout Southern New Jersey. Together with our partners at HNCM, and in cooperation with the Bishop of Camden, we strive to provide essential services through our legal ministry to the immigrant community and the working poor.

Visit Camden Center for Law & Social Justice website for more information.